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Incredible benefit fraudsters

Incredible benefit fraudsters Benefit fraud is a serious problem in the UK, and one that not only costs the taxpayer money, but also exhausts already stretched resources to their limits. Aside from the monetary loss, there is also a question of morals. Saying that, many people find themselves suddenly tangling with the authorities, having had...
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Welfare Benefits Entitlement Cap

Welfare Benefits Entitlement Cap You may have noticed recent press coverage of the reduction in the existing benefit cap. Currently the maximum benefit a family can receive is £26,000 per year. However, from Autumn 2016 that maximum amount will reduce to £20,000, if you live in London the maximum will be £23,000. This will be...
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DWP Benefit Fraud Investigations

DWP Benefit Fraud Investigations It may surprise some, especially given the current policy of reducing civil service jobs, to find that the number of benefit fraud investigators has risen from 2,700 last year to almost 3,700 now. Most of this increase is due to Local Authority investigators now working directly for the DWP but it does...
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