Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat
Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat
No, you haven’t come across an article in a foreign language. It would take too long to explain why, but much of the law in the UK incorporates Latin, a language which fortunately we may not have to speak, but it is helpful if you know the basics. The above phrase translates into an often used maxim “ignorance is no defence in the eyes of the law”. To simplify this even further, “I didn’t realise…” Is not a defence when accused of committing a crime, such as benefit fraud. In circumstances a lack of knowledge or understanding can be taken into consideration, but to simply say you didn’t know or realise what you were doing was against the law will not generally help you.
If you are suspected of committing benefit fraud, it is very likely it will be the first and, hopefully, the only time this happens to you. However, it can be very frightening and bewildering situation you find yourself in and, as a consequence, we really cannot stress strongly enough that you contact us for assistance. Unlike you, we deal with suspected benefit fraud cases every day, so we know the right questions to ask in order to ensure that you are presented with the best defence possible.Here at South West Law, benefit fraud solicitors in Bristol, so many of our clients come to us because they genuinely misunderstood the rules and regulations surrounding your rights to receive benefit. As we will often say, it is complicated enough applying for benefits, so at times it is all too easy to cross that fine line between what is lawful and unlawful.
If you have been investigated or officially charged with benefit fraud, everyone is entitled to legal defence, often with the help of legal aid, so please do not try and resolve the situation yourself, speak to an expert.